Sunday, September 11, 2011

Disgusting and Annoying

Some things just need to be said. And I’m going to say a few of them.
First of all, I mourn the loss of manners and common decency. Along with the average person’s ability to punctuate. I mean, the incorrect use of the apostrophe is out of control! Doesn’t basic elementary school English still teach that the apostrophe is meant to designate the possessive, not the plural? To make it plural, you just add an “s”. That’s all. For example, cinnamon rolls are just that – cinnamon rolls. I have, however, seen several professionally printed menus that read cinnamon roll’s. Does something belong to the cinnamon roll? Or are they just trying to say that they have more than one? I see this EVERYWHERE!! But I digress…………
First of all, I just got back from traveling and people need to be aware that stopping in the doorway of a crowded airport or a shop to look at your phone or whatever is annoying! My daughter may tell you that I have, on occasion, been guilty of that. Don’t listen to her. She laughs when I fall down or hurt myself. Need I say more? And, besides, those who can recognize their faults and put them to mending are truly blessed.
Next item. I was walking up to a retail store and saw a man come halfway out the door, spit on the sidewalk, and go back in. It was all I could do not to run in, try and find him, and make him go outside with a tissue and wipe that up! Who does that? The store had a restroom. Use it. COMMON DECENCY!
And people need to be let in on a little secret about the cars they drive. No matter how tinted your windows are, you are not in a cone of invisibility!! When you are stopped at a light and picking your nose, PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU! I do not need to see that! Nobody needs to see that! Use a tissue! Please!
I don’t know about you but I have had enough of young people who don’t even say “Excuse me” when they bump into you at the grocery store. They look at you as if you’re not from their planet. I have actually stopped them and explained that this is the point where they say “Excuse me” and I say “That’s okay”. Is that wrong?
Manners and common decency grease the wheels of social interaction. They make the world a better place. They put the “civil” in “civilization”.
I wish everyone would just act as if their mother was watching……………..

1 comment:

  1. Go easy on the cinnamon rolls, they don't own much, the ' is really all they have. YES-YES-YES, the spitting, the boogers, the unconscious disgusting! But consider this, if they LEARNED it at home, they ARE behaving as if mother is watching! God, we've become those people who remember a different world...scoots on over dinosaurs, make room for good manners.

    P.S. Right on!
